By Online Desk
Government says it has made significant strides in addressing food insecurity through its Food Deficit Mitigation Strategy and Urban Cash Transfer Programme.
In a post Cabinet media briefing in Harare yesterday, Information Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Dr. Jenfan Muswere said:
“Cabinet considered a report on the Food Deficit Mitigation Strategy and Urban Transfer Programme as presented by the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, Honourable July Moyo.
“The nation is informed that under the 2nd Blitz Food distribution, a cumulative total of 94 527.64 metric tonnes has been moved across the nation as at 22nd October, 2024, out of the expected 139 854. 94 metric tonnes of cereal which translates to 62.7% coverage.
“The grain was distributed to vulnerable and food insecure people across the country’s provinces as follows:
a) Manicaland, 17 443. 58 metric tonnes;
b) Mashonaland Central, 10 276.49 metric tonnes; c) Mashonaland East,17 525.21 metric tonnes;
d) Mashonaland West, 10 987. 69 metric tonnes;
e) Masvingo, 12 380.14 metric tonnes;
f) Matabeleland North, 8 605.99 metric tonnes;
g) Matabeleland South, 6 460.64 metric tonnes; and h) Midlands, 10 847.90 metric tonnes.”
The Minister added that over 4 300 metric tonnes has been collected to date by traditional leaders accross the country.
“Furthermore, a total of 4 362.51 metric tonnes has been collected to date by Chiefs across all provinces under the Zunde RaMambo/Isiphala Senkosi Strategic Grain Reserve Distribution Programme. “Disbursement of funds to beneficiaries with correct details has since commenced under the Urban Cash for cereal Programme and a total of 28 726 beneficiaries have been reached with cash disbursements as at 28th October 2024.
“Under the School Feeding Programme a cumulative total of 17 250.80 metric tonnes mealie-meal/ maize grain had been collected as at 25th October, 2024,” said Minister Muswere.